Using of (as) and (ra)


I thought that “SWS”and “AS”were used for the prophets whereas “RA”was used for others including ‘Ali (ra)


The abbreviation “(as)”stands for “Alayhi-s-Salam”meaning “peace be upon him”. I am interested to know from where you concluded that we can not use this term for a non-prophet? Could you quote a verse from Qur’an or an authentic tradition that we can not use the phrase “Peace be upon him”after his (as) name?

If we want to follow the Sunnah of Prophet (S), we are ordered by the above authentic traditions to send peace not only to Imam ‘Ali (as) but also to all the members of the House of Prophet. If the Prophet (S) ordered us to send Peace and blessing to his family, then who are we to set regulations in contrary to that and yet claim to follow the Sunnah of Prophet?

The phrase “May Allah be please with him”(ra) can be used for the companions, not for Prophet and his Ahlul-Bayt who are perfectly pure, flawless, and sinless.